Needham High School and Newton South High School Raise $ for 2018 Dig Pink

From the Needham High School Volleyball Team and Newton South High School Volleyball Team Fundraising Page:

We are excited to be part of The Side-Out Foundation and its Dig Pink initiative, and we need your help to make our campaign successful. Funds raised for Side-Out go toward a clinical trial specifically for patients with stage 4 breast cancer, the most advanced form of the disease and the least funded area of research.

Please consider making a donation and attending our Dig Pink game.

Where: Needham High School A Gym

When: Friday, October 5th, 2018.

Game times: Freshmen at 3:45pm, JV at 5pm, Varsity at 6:15pm.

Details: There will be a 5$ charge at the door for the game. All money will go directly to the Side-Out Foundation.

Thank you so much for helping us to make an impact!

– Needham and Newton South Girls Volleyball

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