League of Women’s Voters 2024 Voting Toolkit for the September 3rd MA Primary

Did you know the League of Women’s Voters has a 2024 Voting Toolkit for the September 3rd MA Primaries? Go to their website at lwv-needham.org/ma-primaries-2024/ to get information about the candidates, find out where to vote, and other voting questions you may have. While it’s too late to register to vote or change your party for the September 3rd race, you still have time to register for the November 5th election. Make your voice count!

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Ned Mahoney

Ned Mahoney has been in real estate in the Greater Boston area for over 30 years. He’s continually recognized as one of the leading realtors in New England and has won many awards for his top performing sales record. Ned offers integrity, professionalism, and solid strategies to provide his clients with excellent real estate services. Ned is with eXp Realty. Please visit Ned’s innovative website at www.nedmahoney.com

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